To build



to serve the Christian community among the unreached people groups in Northern Nigeria.


Many Churches have been burnt down

Over the years, Northern Nigeria has been plagued with insecurity challenges, namely: Boko Haram in the North East, banditry and kidnapping in the North West and North Central, and Militant Herdsmen terrorism in the Middle belt. The activities of these terrorists have crippled evangelism, impeded the growth of the Church, and threatened the existence of the body of Christ in the region. Many Churches have been burnt down, some demolished, Missionaries killed and entire Christian communities displaced. The plight of insecurity is compounded by a state of extreme poverty and underdevelopment in rural areas of Northern Nigeria, which is about the worst-case scenario in the world.


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ABOUT Abraham

Pastor Abraham Emmanuel

My name is Abraham Emmanuel, a minister of the gospel with the Redeemed Christian Church of God. A passionate Soul winner, for several years now, I have being engaged Missionaries activities and Missions support across Nigeria, African and a some countries in the World. My passion for missions has led me to building Mission Churches, Schools, Water sources as the Lord help us through organisations and individuals like you, organizing evangelistic crusades, outreaches and missions efforts among unreached people groups.

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